As an experienced technology consultant with a wide range of expertise, I typically design solutions that are web or mobile based but have also worked with desktop applications developed in MS C# and Java. I have created solutions for many industries including but not limited to: hotel/hospitality, insurance, health-care, retail, and government. I combine my technical skills with excellent communication, which I believe is key to a successful project. I pride myself on tirelessly listening to my clients to understand their needs. This allows me to propose and implement the best possible solution that fits their goals and budget.
I’ve been interested in technology since I was a young child and would input BASIC code from computer magazines into my Dad’s TRS-80 Model 100. I took programming courses in high school and college, utilizing Turbo Paschal and the C++ programing languages. My college years did not focus primarily on technology. While attending Tulane University I became very interested in all aspects of business operations, especially finance and marketing. This lead me to enrolling in the A.B Freeman School of business and earn a degree in finance in 2000. I feel that my mix of technical and business background created a solid foundation to successfully execute most any IT project.
Personal Interests
My personal interests are quite extensive, but mostly I like to do things outdoors. My favorite things that I get to do often are go for motorcycle rides, fishing in the bayou, and playing golf. I also enjoy snow skiing and scuba diving and feel very lucky every time I can find the time and funds to travel and participate in these activities.
The NoShows Band
I’m a trumpet player in a local New Orleans ska punk band called the The NoShows. If You like that kind can listen to our album on bandcamp and we have recently been added to Spotify. If you are ever in New Orleans check out our FB page to see if we are playing that weekend. I promise we are way more fun in person.
- BandCamp Link
- Visit us on Facebook
- To find us on Spotify search our for Album “Root for the Bull”
- Buy an Autographed Vinal From the Band – Contact Me
My reading habits include non-fiction business and history books, science fiction, and page tuning mysteries.
I hope this gives the interested reader a good idea of my professional and personal interests. I also hope that if you have made it this far you are willing to go a little farther and reach out to me to help you create your next amazing IT project.
Travis Steelman