Software Development – OLD

I have lots of experience in a variety of programming languages and platforms.I primarily build web-based and mobile solutions solutions along with a few standalone applications. I am comfortable inheriting legacy software that needs finishing or improving. I also thrive in working with my clients to create new solutions.I enjoy the discovery process especially learning about a new business and conceiving a solution that meets the needs of that company. Below you will find a list of programming languages that I have experience working with.

  • PHP
  • Java
  • ASP.NET MVC  (C#)
  • Objective C
  • Swift
  • Visual Basic
  • JavaScript  (Worked with many different frameworks jQuery, Angular .. etc)
  • Perl, ASP Classic ,Cold Fusion

I’ve worked on projects as the sole developer incorporating templates created by professional designers into a finished product. I’ve also worked on larger projects as part of a development team. The complex nature of creating software can require the expertise of more than one person. Even if one person’s skill set does contain the necessary design and technical skills at post om nord vpn trial “på bä, it is beneficial to have at least two perspectives. Communication and group planning are key elements to a successful software development project. Proper planning and the use of version control software like Subversion or Git will create the group dynamic necessary to keep everyone moving towards the common goal. Below you will find a list of version management systems that I have experience with

  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • Subversion
  • Source Safe
  • CVS

Today’s software landscape offers numerous out-of-the-box solutions. Many of these are open source or relatively inexpensive options. They can be a great base to develop your application around, but rarely will they offer everything that a client is looking for. I have experience working with many of the most common Content Management and E-commerce platforms I also have ample experience working with many popular third party Application programming interfaces (API).  Below you will find a list of CMS, E-commerce, and third party APIs I have worked with in the past.

  • E-Commerce: Magento, OpenCart, Shopify X-Cart, OsCommerce
  • Content Management: WordPress,Joomla,Drupal, Typo3, Umbraco
  • API: Verisign, PayPal, Authorize.Net , FloristOne, Amazon Web Services, Mail Chimp, Google Analytics, Google Maps, Sendgrid .. etc

There are many occasions when an application’s needs are so unique that modifying an existing product is not practical. In these cases it is still wise to build on top of a robust foundation. I have found that the proper use of popular frameworks can reduce costs, encourage proper coding practices, and give the application greater flexibility moving forward.

  • PHP: Larvel, CodeIgnitor, CakePHP
  • Java: Hibernate
  • JavaScript: jQuery, DoJo, MooTools